7 Tips For Holding Chopsticks

7 Tips For Holding Chopsticks

Chopsticks are a unique eating tool for Asians. Friends who like to eat Asian food, few people can't use chopsticks! But are you sure you are using chopsticks the most correct way?
7 Tips For Holding Chopsticks
And the most correct way to use chopsticks is to remember these 7 essentials!

1. Before holding the chopsticks, align the two chopsticks tips first.
2. Only move the upper side of the chopsticks when using.
3. Use the thumb, index finger and middle finger to gently hold the chopsticks.
4. The thumb should be placed next to the nail of the index finger.
5. The nail pad of the ring finger is under the chopsticks.
6. Clamp the chopsticks between the thumb and index finger to fix them.
7. Leave a distance of 1 cm behind the chopsticks.
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According to statistics, 80% of Asians do not hold chopsticks in the correct way, which is an astonishing proportion! The most common mistakes in using chopsticks are these 7 kinds~

1. The common mistake is to place the thumb and index finger above the chopsticks, the middle finger and ring finger against the bottom of the chopsticks, and the little finger next to the ring finger. This kind of holding method is the most common wrong way, and it is easy to become like this if you don't learn the correct way...
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2. Five-finger messy style This holding method is to separate the five fingers scatteredly, place the chopsticks in the center of the ring finger, and focus on the intersection of the chopsticks.
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3. Orchid finger style This method is to hold the chopsticks with the thumb, place the index finger and ring finger on top of the chopsticks, and then the little finger is tilted up XD But I haven't seen anyone holding chopsticks in this way so far...
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4. The fist-clenching style is to make a fist with one hand and hold the bamboo chopsticks in the palm of the hand with five fingers together. This is more often seen in children. It is more like inserting food or digging food to eat...
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5. When using the chopsticks with a pen grip, the thumb and forefinger will touch the upper chopsticks, just like holding a pen. When using, the chopsticks will cross. This way of using chopsticks is also quite common.
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6. The fingering style is not the little finger but the index finger, and then the chopsticks will be placed between the thumb and index finger.
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7. Back clip style Generally speaking, the back of the hand will not face up when picking vegetables, but this method is to hold the five fingers together, focus on the middle finger, and the back of the hand faces up.
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How do you hold chopsticks?
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