5 Best Ways To Make Sushi

5 Best Ways To Make Sushi

Speaking of sushi, I believe everyone is very familiar with it! Sushi is a traditional Japanese food, and food has no boundaries! There are many kinds of sushi designs and colors. Ingredients can be raw, cooked, or pickled. Sushi has the most creative possibilities, ultra-low calories, raw food without fire, organic ingredients, fresh taste, beautiful shape, sushi satisfies all people's imagination. As for the food tutorial in this issue, Choptool is going to share with you several delicious sushi recipes. Friends who like to eat sushi, let’s take a look. If you learn it, you can make delicious sushi at home. Sushi! In addition, it is very important to choose a pair of exquisite chopsticks to eat sushi, because chopsticks can help you eat sushi more easily, clean and hygienic.
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Method 1: Salmon sushi

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 500 grams of rice, 3 pieces of sushi seaweed, 20 ml of sushi vinegar, 3 grams of salt, 5 grams of wasabi, 50 grams of salad dressing, 10 grams of sushi soy sauce, 50 grams of cucumber, 30 grams of ham sausage, 30 grams of big root, 50 grams of meat floss, 100 grams of salmon

The specific method is as follows: break up the newly steamed rice, pour in sushi vinegar or apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of salt and mix well, cut the ham sausage and cucumber into 0.5 cm sections, spread a piece of seaweed on the rolling curtain, spread the rice On the seaweed, use a spoon or your hands to flatten it evenly. (Do not spread rice on the front 1cm, otherwise it will be difficult to close.) Squeeze an appropriate amount of salad dressing on the rice and spread evenly; then place the meat floss, cucumber strips, and large roots in order, and roll the curtain Roll it up, and then squeeze the roller blind with both hands together a few times; (this way the kimbap is wrapped more tightly) Finally, cut it into a thickness of about 1.5cm. (Every cut, the blade can pass through the water to avoid sticking). Knead the rice into 8-10 grams of rice balls; after the rice balls are smeared with a little wasabi, put sliced ​​salmon on the plate, and the wasabi can also be dipped alone.
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Method 2: Ham Sushi

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 200 grams of rice, 1 piece of ham, 2 tablespoons of sushi vinegar, 1 tablespoon of sushi soy sauce, 30 grams of corn kernels, 30 grams of seafood mushrooms, a little salt, 2 shallots

The specific method is as follows: Break up the newly steamed rice, pour in sushi vinegar or apple cider vinegar, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of salt and mix well, cut the ham into thin slices of about 1 mm for later use, blanch corn kernels and seafood mushrooms, remove them and put them in Rice grains, mix well and set aside, take the shallot leaves, blanch them in water and soften them for later use, put the mixed rice on the ham slices, and then tie the shallot leaves into a semicircle with an opening!
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Practice 3: seaweed sushi

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 1 sheet of seaweed, 200 grams of rice, 3 ham sausages, and 1 cucumber

The specific method is as follows: prepare a piece of seaweed, half a bowl of freshly stuffed rice, wash the cucumber and cut into strips, cut the ham into strips, spread the rice evenly on the seaweed, put a cucumber and a ham in the middle, Start rolling up along the bottom edge, roll up a little tighter at the beginning, and roll all the way to the end. The sushi is rolled up, cut into sections and put on a plate.
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Practice 4: Arctic shellfish sushi

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 250 grams of japonica rice, 2 pieces of sushi seaweed, some Arctic shellfish, 10 grams of meat floss, a little carrot sticks, a little yellow radish sticks, 1 piece of sushi mat, some sushi vinegar

The specific method is as follows: steam the japonica rice, cool it for later use, drop a little sushi vinegar into the rice, put on disposable gloves and grasp it evenly, put a piece of seaweed on the sushi curtain, grab an appropriate amount of mixed rice and put it on the seaweed, Put meat floss, carrot sticks, and yellow radish sticks in about 1/3 of your own position, then roll them up and pinch them tightly, dip both sides of the knife in water and spread evenly, cut into small pieces, take the rice and knead it into an oval shape, and put two slices on it For Arctic shellfish, use thin strips of seaweed to tie them up from the middle to shape them.
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Practice 5: Flavored Sushi

Prepare the ingredients as follows: 150 grams of rice, 2 eggs, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 1 sausage, appropriate amount of scallop xo sauce, 25 grams of sugar, 30 grams of white vinegar, 4 grams of salt

The specific method is as follows: Prepare 150 grams of rice and wash it with clean water. Put the rice in a rice cooker and add water to steam it into rice. After the rice is steamed, put it out for later use. Add two spoons of sushi vinegar to the rice and stir well. Fry the eggs in a non-stick pan , cut the eggs into long strips for later use, spread a layer of seaweed and a layer of rice on the roller blind, put cucumber strips, carrot strips, sausage strips, egg strips, a proper amount of abalone and scallop XO sauce, roll it up and cut it into small pieces with a knife.

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