Method 1: Eat rice with chopsticks
2. Lift the rice from below. Picking rice with chopsticks is not a "pinch" action, but a "scoop/pinch" action. Pick up some rice and spread the chopsticks so that one is on each side of a large piece. Place the chopsticks at the bottom of the chopstick ball and squeeze gently as you lift up. Pick up the rice from the bottom for easy handling and won't fall down. The tighter grip between the chopsticks supports the rice on top, turning your chopsticks into a kind of makeshift spoon.

3. Lift the bowl to your mouth. This is often a great conundrum for those who struggle with eating rice. Pick up the rice bowl with your non-chopstick-free hand and bring it a few inches from your mouth. Now, use the pinch and scoop method above to pour the rice from the bowl into your mouth. Use this bowl to catch any bugs. This not only makes the task easier. Using chopsticks is also considered more polite in many countries. Note, however, that it is considered somewhat impolite to shovel food straight from the bowl to your mouth. Pick up a few slices of rice and put it in your mouth. Don't just put your lips on the bowl and move the rice to your mouth.
4. Choose sticky rice if you can. Not all rice has the same weight and texture. For the easiest results, try to choose short-grain rices, which tend to form "sticky" clumps that are easier to pick up. In contrast, brown rice and long-grain white rice do not stick together as well, so they are more likely to fall or spill.
Method 2: Learn the general skills of using chopsticks

1. Hold the chopsticks with the side of your thumb. Eating rice with chopsticks is easiest if you use them the way chopsticks are used. Luckily, it's easy to learn! First, line up your two chopsticks and hold them with your dominant hand. Slide them into the "bend" between your thumb and the side of your hand. The "soft" part at the bottom of the thumb should hold them in place. You should put the two chopsticks side by side, not next to each other.

2. Grab the tip of the chopstick like you would a pencil. Grip both chopsticks between the crooks of your thumbs, and slide the top one up so you can hold it with your thumb, index, and middle fingers. Your thumb pads should be gripping the stick from the side. Your index finger should be curled on top. Your middle finger should be supporting the stick from the other side. This may sound complicated, but it should be fairly similar to how you would hold a pen or pencil! If you get stuck, put the other chopstick down so you can focus on this one. It's easy to slide it back on afterwards.

3. Keep the chopsticks on the bottom steady. One of the most important things to remember when eating with chopsticks is that the bottom of the chopstick does not move. Keep the fleshy part at the base of your thumb in place. Light pressure should be found. You don't need to hold it tight and bend your ring finger so it supports the bottom of the stick with the side of your last knuckle.
4. Use your thumb, index finger and middle finger to move the top chopstick. Holding the rest of the pose, practice flexing and extending your middle and index fingers. When you extend the chopsticks, the top chopstick should be pointing up. When you bend them it should go down and end up touching the other. Practice this up and down motion until you get used to it. While doing this, try to keep your thumb as straight as possible. If you bend it to move the top chopstick down, it's easier for your form to collapse and you lose control of the stick. Remember, the chopsticks at the bottom will not move. Hold it in a wedge-shaped position, supported by your ring finger.
5. Hold food with chopsticks. Make a plate of food for the exercise. If you don't want to, you can also scrunch up a few sheets of notebook paper and put them on a plate. Use the chopsticks to hold the food or paper balls at both ends of the chopsticks and send them to your mouth. The feeling of holding food between two chopsticks may take some practice, but it becomes less awkward in no time. If you are using food for the first time, you may want to lay out a towel in case food spills.
Method 3: Learn the etiquette of using chopsticks

1. Don't use chopsticks to skewer food like a spear. Once you get the hang of using chopsticks, it's a smart idea to learn some simple "rules" for using chopsticks. These aren't strictly necessary, but they're easy to learn and won't make eating any harder. For example, chopsticks should not be used to poke or stab pieces of food. This is considered rough. It's a bit like going to a fancy restaurant and serving your food with a fork on top of a knife instead of a fork.

2. Do not insert chopsticks into food, as they will stick upwards. This is similar to the incense used in Buddhist funerals and is therefore considered taboo.

3. Do not pass another person's food with chopsticks. "In other words, don't pick up a piece of food and hold it for someone to grab with their own chopsticks. Instead, place the food on his or her plate. This is also negatively associated with funeral rituals. Additionally, when someone else gives When you eat, take the initiative to serve your plate instead of holding it with your own chopsticks.
4. Do not use chopsticks to take food from public plates. This is considered unhygienic, especially if the chopsticks have touched your mouth. Instead, use the utensils provided. There is almost always a serving spoon or similar tool handy for getting food onto your plate.